DTB Old School 93/94 – Mono Black (ENG)
I am pretty new to the Old School ’93-’94 scene. I was around back in the day (1994) but was a teenager with no money so could not afford many of the cards even at that time. We used to play amongst friends mainly, where each one of us had their “staple” decks and colours, with mono black and mono white actually dominating vs my red green creature deck a lot of the times. I quit playing a few years later, selling everything, including a couple Moxen and duals, only to start again back in 2011, playing Legacy. Still didn’t have the foresight to buy the old school P9 staples, although I managed to get myself back to 40x dual lands, and pretty much every set of cards for most decks in the format. Then I stopped playing again, due to lack of time and a dislike for the “official tournaments” environment, where you can tell people only play for the prizes, never smile, are super tense and generally quite despondent… not my idea of having fun playing Magic.