squalificato Come era lecito aspettarsi Alex Bertoncini non l’ha passata liscia, le numerose infrazioni commesse gli hanno procurato nell’ordine:

Squalifica DCI per un anno e mezzo, perdita di tutti i punti giocatore del circuito SCG, perdita del premio di $ 10.000 in palio all’Invitational, perdita del titolo di SCG Player of the Year 2011. Non tutto il male vien per nuocere, dato che i soldi del premio andranno in beneficenza all’organizzazione Child’s Play charity.

StarCityGames ha inoltre trovato una forma di collaborazione per gestire situazioni come questa in accordo con la DCI in futuro, di seguito vi riportiamo l’annuncio in inglese del presidente Pete Hoefling.


I’d like to personally address some of the issues that have been brought up over the past week regarding Alex Bertoncini and the StarCityGames.com Open Series.

As has always been the case, Star City Games respects and adheres to all DCI rules and policies regarding our DCI-sanctioned events. This allows players who are currently under DCI investigation to continue playing in DCI-sanctioned events, as the system presumes you are innocent until proven guilty.

Due to the amount of time that is required for these investigations to complete, tournament organizers can be put in the difficult situation in which players currently under investigation win prizes, then end up suspended by the DCI upon the investigation’s resolution. The exact situation I just described happened at this past weekend’s Invitational in Charlotte, but I believe it is morally wrong to award any prizes, let alone a $10,000 check, to a player under this circumstance.

In order to ensure that this situation will never happen again, I am instituting the following StarCityGames.com Open Series Prize Policy, effective immediately:


In accordance with DCI Policy, players under DCI Investigation will be eligible to play in Star City Games Open Series events. However, any player who is the subject of an open DCI Investigation will have his or her StarCityGames.com Open Series prizes and Player’s Club benefits held until the conclusion of the investigation. In the event that a player is suspended, all prizes and benefits earned during that period will be donated to charity. In the event the investigation is resolved without a suspension, all StarCityGames.com Open Series prizes and Player’s Club benefits earned during that period will be issued to the player within ten (10) business days of the resolution of the investigation.

Star City Games will attempt to contact any player with at least one (1) Open Series Point in the current or previous Open Series season by e-mail or through the DCI website in the event that he or she becomes the subject of an open DCI Investigation. Failure to receive this message does not exempt a player from the withholding of prizes and StarCityGames.com Player’s Club benefits.

In accordance with this policy, I will not be awarding Alex Bertoncini with any cash prizes or appearance fees from the Charlotte Invitational. Instead,I will be donating all cash prizes and appearance fees Alex was scheduled to receive from the Charlotte Invitational (totaling $10,250) directly to the Child’s Play charity, an organization that provides toys and games to children in hospitals across the world.

I am also stripping Alex of the titles of Charlotte Invitational Champion and 2011 StarCityGames.com Player of the Year. The 2011 StarCityGames.com Invitational: Charlotte Champion is now Adam Prosak. The 2011 StarCityGames.com Player of the Year is now Gerry Thompson. I congratulate both players on their excellent performances in both the Invitational and during the 2011 Open Series season. I wish them both the best and hope to see them at future StarCityGames.com Open Series events.

As always, please feel free to post any feedback in the comments section below.

Best wishes,

Pete Hoefling
President, StarCityGames.com


  1. Roberto G

    In Romano se dice: Je stà bene!!! anzi io c’avrei messo pure un bel calcione ner sedere…. anzi uno da tutti quelli che hanno partecipato al torneo 🙂

  2. zazza

    Sinceramente trovo il tempo di squalifica insignificante e non proporzionato in rapporto a tutte le infrazioni commesse. C’è gente che un anno e mezzo l’ha preso per molto molto molto meno.
    Togliere il premio mi sembra il minimo.

  3. lulz

    lol I don’t always cast brainstorm, but when I do I draw four cards

  4. Langsuyar

    Il fatto che quei soldi siano stati devoluti a dei bambini è un segno bellissimo,tanto per l’immagine del gioco quanto dal punto di vista strettamente umano. Magic for kids!!!!

  5. Alastor

    Pena troppo “morbida” secondo me, quello che ha fatto è, a livello competitivo, molto grave, ci stava una pena più esemplare, di modo che a nessuno venisse più la volontà di “vincere facile”, e il fatto che sia un giocatore esperto pluridecorato non fa altro che rendere ancora più grave il tutto.
    Bella l’idea di devolvere il premio in beneficenza, penso siamo tutti daccordo

  6. Roberto

    Mah,squalificato solo per un anno?! dopo avere taroccato tutto un’ scg.. da me hanno squalificato un tizio per un anno(o 2) solo perchè aveva avuto una discussione con un judge.. bel sistema ha la dci 😀

  7. ollips

    squalifica a vita! altro che un anno

  8. Flick

    Ho sentito parlare di questo Alex, ma non ho capito esattamente che infrazioni ha commesso….

  9. alex@metagame.it

    [quote name=”Flick”]Ho sentito parlare di questo Alex, ma non ho capito esattamente che infrazioni ha commesso….[/quote]

    Dai un occhiata a questo: [url]http://www.metagame.it/notizie/1-ultime/586-news-alex-bertoncini-ha-barato-di-nuovo.html[/url]

  10. Roberto

    e non è l’unica volta che bara..ma soprattutto quella brainstorm da 4.. Se ha già Jin gitaxias a terra,la mano piena e l’oppo vuota,cioè hai praticamente vinto,con che intelligenza fai una brainstorm da 4?!?! e sarebbe un pro questo tizio

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