Formato: Standard – Tipo 2 | Data: 5 Maggio 2013 |
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Giocatori: 448 |
Località: Somerset |
Chris VanMeter con Junk Reanimator sconfigge in finale Owen Turtenwald con Jund, che era rimasto imbattuto fino alla finale. In Top 4 marcano poi presenza U/W/R Flash e Bant Auras, le carte di Dragon’s Maze che troviamo im questi quattro mazzi sono: Sin Collector, Sire of Insanity, Putrefy, Deadbridge Chant, Voice of Resurgence, Unflinching Courage, Ral Zarek, Render Silent. A seguire in Top 8 una lunga scia di Jund e Junk Reanimator.
Junk Reanimator (> Forum) | 1st | Chris VanMeter |
Jund (> Forum) | 2nd | Owen Turtenwald |
Bant Auras (> Forum) | 3rd | Alex Mitchell |
U/W/R Flash (> Forum) | 4th | William Eads |
Jund | 5th | Max Tietze |
Jund | 6th | Connor Thompson |
Junk Reanimator | 7th | Andrew Hadam |
Junk Reanimator | 8th | Mike Sigrist |
Junk Reanimator | 9th | Amin Younes |
Esper Control | 10th | Andrew Grenz |
Bant Auras | 11th | Josh Uron |
Bant Flash | 12th | Matt Costa |
B/R Zombies | 13th | Joey Cody |
Naya Humans | 14th | Rahwaizh Abdulrahman |
Jund | 15th | Robert Baker |
Jund | 16th | William Jensen |
Naya Humans | 17th | Conner Rice |
Naya | 18th | Rob Caporino |
The Aristocrats | 19th | Osyp Lebedowicz |
Bant Auras | 20th | Michael Flores |
R/G Aggro | 21st | Michael DeCoste |
Jund | 22nd | Marc Blesso |
Prime Speaker Bant | 23rd | Chris Terwilliger |
Peddle to the Metal | 24th | Adam Ezegelian |
U/W/R Flash | 25th | Eliazar Suriel |
Reanimator | 26th | Stephen Baroni |
Reanimator | 27th | Ted Felicetti |
Reanimator | 28th | Peter Ingram |
Jund | 29th | George Charalambous |
U/W/R Flash | 30th | Timothy Timlin |
Jund | 31st | Reid Duke |
G/R Aggro | 32nd | John Lafreniere |
Alla faccia di chi diceva che Ral Zarek è scarso!
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Fatto ma non me lo fa aprire . Mi da errore con mws